月岡芳年 展示場
Room of Yoshitoshi Tsukioka

1.新形三十六怪撰 源頼光土蜘蛛を切る図
Minamoto no Yorimitsu cutting the tsuchigumo demon, from the series: "New thirty six scary stories"
The New Thirty Six Scary Stories was modeled after the Thirty Six Poems, and dealt with ghost stories and demons. This is a legend in which Minamoto no Yorimitsu cuts the Tsuchigumo demon, who appeared by his sick bed.

2.新形三十六怪撰 二十四孝狐火の図
Nijushiko Kitsunebi, from the series: "New thirty six scary stories"
浄瑠璃「本朝廿四孝」に取材したものか。日本画の写実的技法に、軽やかな色彩を駆使して、 独特の世界を作り上げている。
Has he borrowed ideas from "Honcho Nijushiko" of Joruri? He has used the vibrant colors freely in the Japanese print technique of realism, and has created his own unique world.

3.新形三十六怪撰 おもゐつゝら
The heavy wicker basket, from the series: "New thirty six scary stories"
This is what came out when the wicker basket was opened. Triple-eyed and one-eyed demons jumped out and the man could not even get up. Attention can also be focused on the rim of the print that resembles a bug eaten.

4.新形三十六怪撰 四ツ谷怪談
The Yotsuya Kaidan horror story, from the series: "New thirty six scary stories"
A story about being troubled by the spirit of Oiwa, who died of indignation. The waist cloth strung over the folding screen is wriggling like a snake and swooping down. The tranquil scene makes it only more eerie.

5.新形三十六怪撰 清盛福原に数百の人頭を見る図
Kiyomori sees several hundred heads in Fukuharu, from the series: "New thirty six scary stories"
A scene from the Fukuhara mansion in which Kiyomori and the trees and garden stones from the snowy garden that have changed into a skeleton, glare back and forth at each other.

6.新形三十六怪撰 老婆鬼腕を持去る図
Old lady carrying off with a demon's arm, from the series: "New thirty six scary stories"
An old woman demon that is running away holding the arm of an ogre. A sense of speed is well portrayed through the streaming white hair and kimono. The bold usage of vermilion in the color scheme is brilliant as well.

7.新形三十六怪撰 内裏に猪早太鵺を刺図
Inohayata stabbing the Nue in seclusion, from the series: "New thirty six scary stories"
A "Nue" is a monstrous beast with the head of a monkey, the body of a raccoon, the tail of a snake, and the arms and legs of a tiger. This is the legend about Minamoto no Yorimasa, along with his servant Inohayata, when they slew the Nue, who only appears in secluded areas.

8.新形三十六怪撰 ほたむとうろう
The lantern, from the series: "New thirty six scary stories"
A plot in which the ghost of a woman, who is holding up a lantern, is looking for her lover. The atmosphere of the non-physical ghost is well portrayed through the diluted color scheme.

9.新形三十六怪撰 三井寺頼豪阿闍梨悪念鼠と変ずる図
Evil-minded Raigo Ajari of the Miidera temple transforms into a mouse, from the series: "New thirty six scary stories"
A story about Raigo who, out of animosity, starved himself to death and came back as tens of thousands of mice and ate away the scriptures of Enryakuji Temple. The personified mouse is quite eerie.

10.新形三十六怪撰 地獄太夫悟道の図
Jigokutayuu, from the series: "New thirty six scary stories"
A prostitute from the Sakai red-light district who was well known for the question-and-answer Renga (linked verse) with the Ikkyu monk concerning hell, as well as her beauty and intelligence. The skeletons in the background also deserve attention.

11.新形三十六怪撰 さぎむすめ
Sagimusume, from the series: "New thirty six scary stories"
A Kabuki dance in which the quintessence of the white egret becomes the daughter and in the end suffers excruciating pain in hell. The simple color assortment of white, black and red catches one's attention.

12.新形三十六怪撰 茂林寺の丈福茶釜
The magic badgerkettle of Morin-ji temple, from the series: "New thirty six scary stories"
群馬県館林市の茂林寺にいた老僧愛用の茶釜が分福茶釜。汲んでも汲んでも湯が尽きない不思議な茶釜。実はその老僧は狙の化身。考える狙 (=老僧)の図である。
The magic badgerkettle was the aged monk's favorite tea kettle, who lived at Morin-ji Temple in Tatebayashi City of Gunma Prefecture. It was a mysterious tea kettle that never ran out of tea. The old monk was actually an embodiment of a raccoon.

13.新形三十六怪撰 貞信公夜宮中に怪を懼しむの図
Teishinko in fear of something mysterious in the palace during the night, from the series: "New thirty six scary stories"
The scabbard of the sword is possessed by a demon. He seems to have realized the cause of these mysterious nightly occurrences. The difference in depiction between the human of flesh and blood and the demon deserves attention.

14.新形三十六怪撰 蒲生貞秀臣土岐元貞甲州猪鼻山魔王投倒の図
Toki Motosada, from the series: "New thirty six scary stories"
魔王をやっつけるというテーマだが、これほど痛快な図はないであろう。色使いもよい。背後のお釈迦様 (?) の祝福のさまが効いている。
The theme is "defeating the devil" but there is probably no other picture as glorious. The usage of colors is nice as well. The blessings emanating from the Buddha (who is depicted strangely) in the back is effective.

15.東京自慢十二ヶ月 三月 吉原の桜 尾州楼長尾
March. Yoshiwara cherry blossoms, from the series: "Boasting of Tokyo's twelve months."
A collection that largely depicted famous beautiful women of that time, along with background of flowers and sights from around Tokyo. March is the cherry blossoms of Yoshiwara Nakano-machi. The fancy outfit and the falling petals are strangely in tune.

16.東京自慢十二ヶ月 四月 亀戸の藤 柳橋小つゆ
April. Kameido wisteria, from the series: "Boasting of Tokyo's twelve months."
The plum blossom garden of the Kameido Tenjin Shrine that was famous for Van Gogh making a reproduction of it, was actually better known by the commoners for it's wisteria. This print that was produced by such skilled carving techniques is overflowing with distinctive Meiji Era appeal.

17.東京自慢十二ヶ月 六月 入谷の朝顔 新橋福助
June, Iriya morning glories, from the series: "Boasting of Tokyo's twelve months."
During the Edo period, there was much breeding improvements of morning glories and exhibitions began to flourish. Even in Iriya today there are Morning Glory exhibitions. The woman's cat-covered kimono is that of the Master Kuniyoshi's.

18.東京自慢十二ヶ月 八月 廿六夜 品川島崎園
The twenty-sixth-night-wait of August, from the series: "Boasting of Tokyo's twelve months."
二十六夜待(にじゅうろくやまち)は、26日の 夜に、月の出るのを待って拝すること。本来は 7月(と正月)の行事。江戸では高輪、品川で 盛んであった。
The "twenty-sixth-night-wait" was on the night of the 26th where people would wait for the moon rise to worship it. It is primarily held in July (and New Years). In Edo, Takanawa, and Shinagawa were very active.

19.東京自慢十二ヶ月 九月 千駄木の菊 根津八幡楼小桜
September. Sendagi chrysanthemums, from the series: "Boasting of Tokyo's twelve months."
In the past it was the morning glory, omoto, and chrysanthemum exhibitions that attracted competition in potted plant cultivation. The woman's kimono, which is surrounded by chrysanthemums, is that of an autumn design as well.

20.東京自慢十二ヶ月 十ー月 酉のまち 日本橋小三
November, rooster fair, from the series: "Boasting of Tokyo's twelve months."
At the yearly festival held on the day of the rooster during November at the Ootori Shrine in Shitaya, many stores would sell the bamboo rake, a good luck charm. The woman is holding the bamboo rake with an Okame (fat-faced women's mask) on it.