歌川広重 ~その一~ 展示場
Room of Hiroshige Utagawa Vol.1

1.東都名所年中行事 正月(かめいと初卯詣)

New years (the first shrine visit at Kameido), from the series: "Annual events and sights of interest in Edo"

『東都名所年中行事』は、江戸の名所と年中行事や四季の名物を組み合わせた揃物。とはいえ、主人公はそこに登場する女性たちである。正月は亀戸天神 の初詣である

"Annual Events and Sights of Interest in Edo"
is a collection of sights of interest, annual events, and the four seasons in Edo.
But the main characters are the women that appear in the print. People go to Kameido Tenjin Shrine on New Years for the first shrine visit of the year.


2.東都名所年中行事 二月(はつ午王子まいり)

February (Shrine visit to Oji on the first day of the horse), from the series: "Annual events and sights of interest in Edo"


The first day of the horse in February, which was considered bad luck, was a day when one would pay a visit to Inari Shrine.
The women are paying a visit to Oji (In the Kita district of Tokyo) Inari. They are looking at plum blossoms that have begun to bloom.


3.東都名所年中行事 三月(すみた川梅若詣)

March (Visiting the Umewaka mound along the Sumidagawa), from the series: "Annual events and sights of interest in Edo"

隅田川沿いにある本母寺(もくぼじ)の梅若塚詣である。ここは謡曲「隅田川」に出てくる梅若丸(東国に 下って隅田川町岬で病死したという)にちなんだ梅の名所。

This is the Umewaka mound of the Mokuboji Temple along the Sumidagawa River. It is a famous sight for plum blossoms that was named after Umewakamaru (who died of sickness on a bank of the Sumidagawa River while descending from the east city), a character in the Noh song, "Sumidagawa River."


4.東都各所年中行事 四月(日本橋初かつお

April (the first bonito catch from Nihonbashi bridge), from the series: "Annual events and sights of interest in Edo"


April of the lunar calendar is the month of the vivid and delicious first bonito catch.
This is on the Nihonbashi Bridge, near a fish market, acquaintances have met while the bonito are being delivered. In the top right of the print is Edo Castle, and needless to say, in the top left is Mt. Fuji.


5.東都名所年中行事 五月(両こく川ひらき)

May (The Ryogoku river festival), from the series: "Annual events and sights of interest in Edo"


The neighborhood of Ryogoku was the greatest entertainment district of Edo. Beginning with May 28 of the lunar calendar, the following three months would especially attract crowds because night stalls would come out and shoot fireworks. The first day of the river festival signaled the coming of Summer.


6.東都名所年中行事 六月(鉄砲州ふじ詣)

June (Visiting the Teppozu wisteria), from the series: "Annual events and sights of interest in Edo"


The wisteria is the seasonal symbol of June of the lunar calendar. Teppozu is around the west bank of the Sumidagawa River in present day Chuo district in Tokyo, and is a protruding bank that faces Tsukuda-jima.


7.東都名所年中行事 七月(高輪廿六夜)

July (Night of 26th, Takanawa), from the series: "Annual events and sights of interest in Edo"


"The Twenty-Sixth-Night-Wait" was on the night of the 26th of January and July of the lunar calendar where people would wait for the moon rise to worship it. In Edo, Takanawa and Shinagawa were very active. Although it was at the break of dawn, many people are out.


8.東都名所年中行事 八月(向しま花屋敷秋の花ぞの)

August (The autumn flower garden in Muko-jinna), from the series: "Annual events and sights of interest in Edo"


Muko-jima is the stretch of Asakusa on the east bank of the Sumidagawa River. It was famous for cherry blossom viewing in the spring, but was also well known for the autumnal flowering grasses of Hyakkaen. But apparently such cherry blossom viewing and excursions were an excuse for drinking parties.


9.東都名所年中行事 九月(神田明神祭礼御礼参り)

September (Kanda Myoujin festival prayers), from the series: "Annual events and sights of interest in Edo"


At the eastern edge of the Yushima highlands was the Kanda Daimyojin, an all powerful deity, where an annual celebration every other year was held on September 15.
It appears to be a scene from after the festival.


10.東都名所年中行事 十月(雑司かや会式参り)

October (Paying a visit to Zoshigaya memorial service), from the series: "Annual events and sights of interest in Edo"


They are on their way to the annual memorial service on October 13 (the day of the death of the founder of Nichiren Buddhism) to Kishibojin (The Goddess of Children of the Nichiren Homyo-ji Temple) in Zoshigaya of south Ikebukuro. They seem to be taking a rest at the Fujimi tea shop in Zoshigaya.


11.東都名所年中行事 十一月(浅草とりのまち)

November (The Asakusa rooster fair), from the series: "Annual events and sights of interest in Edo"


The "Rooster Fair" is a festival that is held every November on the day of the rooster at the Ootori Shrine in Shitaya, Tokyo. A city has gone up nearby and there is a line of bustling people waiting to buy the bamboo rake, a good luck charm.


12.東都名所年中行事  十二月(浅草金龍山年の市)

December (Asakusa Kinryuzan year-end fair), from the series: "Annual events and sights of interest in Edo"


It always seems to be busy around the end of the year, but the new year could not be welcomed in without going out to Monzen market in Asakusa to buy new years ornaments.


13.金沢八景 州崎晴嵐

Fine weather in Suzaki, from the series: "Eight views of Kanazawa"


Scenic spots from all over Japan were applied to the "Eight Views of Shoushou" from China, thus creating the "Eight Views" of Japan. The "Eight Views of Kanazawa" are from Kanagawa prefecture. Beautiful days are often portrayed with strong sun light.


14.金沢八景 小泉夜雨

Rain shower at dusk, from the series: "Eight views of Kanazawa"


In every case, the depictions of Hiroshige's rain scenes have an overflowing amount of emotions. The appearance of the rain in the shadows of dusk is well portrayed, such as the coarse rain shower and the ripples on the surface.


15.金沢八景 野島夕照

Nojima evening light, from the series: "Eight views of Kanazawa"

「タ照」は、文字通りタ方の景、タ映えである。 舟はすっかり帆を降ろし、平和で静かな夕暮れをイメージさせてくれる。

"Evening Light," just like it is written, is a scene of the evening, an evening glow. The boats have lowered their sails, creating the image of a quiet and peaceful evening.


16.金沢八景 乙艫帰帆

Boat return at Otsutomo, from the series: "Eight views of Kanazawa"


In the evening, the boats return to the port from fishing, which is known as "boat return." On the beach are probably people waiting for the boats. They are drawn as the size of a pea.


17.金沢八景 称名晩鐘

Shomyou Bansho, from the series: "Eight views of Kanazawa"


The Kanazawa Library was originally in Shomyo-ji Temple. "Bansho" is the evening bell. When the temple bells sound, it brings back nostalgic memories.


18.金沢八景 瀬戸秋月

The Seto autumn moon, from the series: "Eight views of Kanazawa"

満月の夜である。月見の人の姿も見える。 「・・・・・・秋の夜の月澄みわたる瀬戸の月橋」 という歌意そのままの景である。

It is the night of a full moon. Figures of people can be seen looking at the moon. It captures the true imagery from the verse "The autumn moon rising crossing high on the Seto moon bridge."


19.金沢八景 平潟落雁

Falling geese in Hirakata, from the series: "Eight views of Kanazawa"


The illustration of the flock of geese coming down to land are the "falling geese". The hill in the front without any sign of life makes the loneliness even greater.


20.金沢八景 内川暮雪

Nighttime snow in Uchikawa, from the series: "Eight views of Kanazawa"


Snow falling silently. Nighttime snow that accumulates before you know it. Hiroshige's night scenes stimulates the imagination of any viewer.