歌川広重 ~その二~ 展示場
Room of Hiroshige Utagawa Vol.2

1.東海道五十三次(保永堂版) 見付
Mitsuke, from the series: "Fifty three stations on the Tokaido Road" (Hoeido edition)
The "Hoeido edition" is the most famous series that depicts the Tokaido Road. This is a ferriage station. It is a simple picture but there is something very pleasant about his representation of the people's backs.

2.東海道五十三次(保永堂版) 御油
Goyu, from the series: "Fifty three stations on the Tokaido Road" (Hoeido edition)
Travelers and women solicitors. It is apparent who is going to win. A traveler has just arrived at the inn on the right. To this day there are still an avenue of pines from the old road between the stations of Goyu and Akasaka.

3.東海道五十三次(保永堂版) 池鯉鮒
Chirifu, from the series: "Fifty three stations on the Tokaido Road" (Hoeido edition)
There is a horse tied in the field of grass waving in the wind. In Chirifu (present day Chiryu City), from the end of April to the beginning of May, a horse fair took place. It is a refreshing sight.

4.東海道五十三次(保永堂版) 土山
Tsuchiyama, from the series: "Fifty three stations on the Tokaido Road" (Hoeido edition)
Tsuchiyama is a mountain station past the Suzuka Pass. The many travelers are taking their steps with their heads down through the long rain. Hiroshige is the painter of rain and this piece is especially well known for being his masterpiece.

5.忠臣蔵 四段目
The fourth sence, from the series: "Chushingura"
A scene from Chushingura. While judge Enya awaits the hara-kiri, his wife, Kaoyo, arranges cherry blossoms for him. It is a brief scene of tranquility before the tragedy, but consequently it only emphasizes the cruelty.

6.忠臣蔵 七段目
The seventh scene, from the series: "Chushingura"
Yuranosuke, who is hiding his intent for revenge, is having a party in the chambers of Ichiriki in Gion. It is a boisterous scene but Yuranosuke is the only one who has remained calm. It is Okaru who is keeping cool on the second level parlor.

7.忠臣蔵 八段目
The eighth scene, from the series: "Chushingura"
"Bride on the road of journey." The ivy that has wrapped itself around the giant oak is deep in color, and the pampas grass waves in the wind. A scene, out of the consecutive dramatic scenes of Chushingura, where you can take a breath and relax.

8.忠臣蔵 十段目
The tenth scene, from the series: "Chushingura"
The Amagawaya scene. A scene in which Yuranosuke and his loyal retainers have dressed up in disguise and gone to Amagawaya to verify the loyalty of the merchant, Gihei of Amagawaya, a man whom Yuranosuke had put his trust in. The surroundings, such as the bystanders and the dog, are amusing.

9.忠臣蔵 乱入
The raid, from the series: "Chushingura"
A scene from a raid of the Moronao house. A device is depicted in which the elasticity of the bamboo is utilized to open the door. The view from above exerts the effect of creating a movie-like scene.

10.忠臣蔵 本望
Long-cherished ambition, from the series: "Chushingura"
The moment of attaining the long-cherished ambition. It is the climax of the entire story. The construction method of converging all visual points for the moment of attaining the long-cherished ambition is brilliant.

11.忠臣蔵 焼香場
Place of incense burning, from the series: "Chushingura"
The loyal retainers on their way the place of incense burning. The magnificent usage of colors is typical of Hiroshige, who excelled in snow scenes. An appropriate ending scene to the lengthy story.

12.名所江戸百景 大はしあたけの夕立
Sudden rain on Oohashi bridge, from the series: "Hundred views of sights in Edo"
The "Hundred Views of Sights in Edo" is a large-scale collection from the late years of Hiroshige's life. The prone people caught on the large bridge pick up their pace. A masterpiece of Hiroshige, who excelled in rain scenes. It is also famous for being a piece that Van Gogh made a reproduction of.

13.名所江戸百景 浅草金竜山
Asakusa Kinryuzan, from the series: "Hundred views of sights in Edo"
雪もまた広重の得意とした素材。浅草観音の名で親しまれる金龍山浅草寺の雪景を、雷神門か らのぞき見る。人がみな背中を見せているのは、静かな場面にふさわしいものである。
Hiroshige was also quite skilled in the subject matter of snow. A snow scene of the Kinryuzan Sensouji Temple, which is well known by the name of Asakusa Kannon, peering out from the Kaminari-mon (thunder god) Gateway. The way everyone is showing their backs is befitting for a quiet scene.

14.名所江戸百景 猿わか町よるの景
Nighttime in Saruwakacho, from the series: "Hundred views of sights in Edo"
Saruwakacho in Asakusa with it's row of theater houses. The boisterous night under a full moon is being depicted. Everyone on the street has been given a shadow. The atmosphere of the calm night is very appealing.

15.名所江戸百景 永代橋佃しま
Tsukuda-jima from Eitaibashi bridge, from the series: "Hundred views of sights in Edo"
A picture looking out at Tsukuda-jima from Eitaibashi Bridge. The numerous boats anchored are fishing boats for ice fish, which can be caught around Tsukuda-jima. The contrast in perspective is fascinating, such as parts of the bridge pillar and oar that are drawn so close.

16.名所江戸百景 愛宕下藪小路
Shimoyabukoji at the foot of Mt.Atago, from the series: "Hundred views of sights in Edo"
現在の港区虎ノ門一丁目あたりの景。飛び交う雀の姿が愛らしく、親しみやすい画面である。 静かな雪の朝、雀の鳴き声だけが聞こえてくるであろう。
A scene from the area of the first block of present day Toranomon in the Minato-ku District. The sparrows flying about are very lovely and it is an amiable print. On this quiet snowy morning, the chirping of sparrows is probably the only sound that can be heard.

17.名所江戸百景 亀戸梅屋敷
Kameido plum blossam garden, from the series: "Hundred views of sights in Edo"
Behind the Kameido Tenjin Shrine was the plum blossom garden. A bold formation is used by bringing the plum tree close and having the line of vision peer through the branches. The color scheme of red and green is perfect. This piece is also famous for being a piece that Vincent Van Gogh made a reproduction of.

18.名所江戸百景 深川万年橋
Fukagawa Mannenbashi bridge, from the series: "Hundred views of sights in Edo"
万年橋は、深川の小名木川にある。橋の名にかけて亀(は万年) が登場、手桶に吊るされてい る。遠近の景の対比の妙を好んだ広重の作の風景画でも、最も意表をついたもののひとつ。
The Mannenbashi (longevity) Bridge can be found at the Onagigawa River of the Fukagawa. The turtle is being played off the name of the bridge (longevity), and is being suspended from a pail. Although Hiroshige was fond of the odd contrast in perspective in nature prints, this one is most unexpected.

19.名所江戸百景 上野山内月のまつ
A pine tree in Ueno, from the series: "Hundred views of sights in Edo"
Below the Kiyomizudo in Ueno was the "moon pine", a pine with a circular shaped odd branch. Hirosige has depicted it as if it resembles glasses.

20.名所江戸百景 深川州崎十万坪
Fukagawa Suzaki Jumantsubo, from the series: "Hundred views of sights in Edo"
The Fukagawa Juumantsubo is present day Kiba of the Koto District. It was desolate reclaimed ground. The moment the flying eagle changes direction is being captured. The ark that is formed by the eagle's wings seems to envelop the space. It is a masterpiece of the series.